Tag Archives: Junsu

Fun Friday: Getting Fit With Kpop

1 Apr

I, like I’m sure many of you out there are trying to get off the couch and get healthy. No, no its not easy, especially with that couch and it easy access to endless episodes of Kdrama is so alluring. But we’ve gotta do what we gotta do, right? But here’s the thing–it doesn’t have to be so hard! Here are a few handy tips I’ve found to use our love of kpop to reach those weight loss goals.

1) first off, let’s talk turkey about our weight loss goals. Nothing says motovation like counting your goals in terms of Kpop stars. “Ugh, I have to lose a whole Taemin.” And when you start losing? “Whew! It was hard but I’ve lost half a Hongki!”

kpop scale Continue reading

Musical Monday: The Goodbye Jaejoong Edition

30 Mar

Jaejoong 2

The very first of JYJ is off to do their military service. Jaejoong is first which means it’s only a matter of time before Junsu heads in. Waaahhh.

In his rounds of goodbyes, Jaejoong just did a sold out concert (that both Junsu and Yoochun attended–I luf these guys!) where it is rumored that tickets were being scalped for a million won. Woah. After the concert, he posted a picture of his self chopped hair (isn’t it funny how stars will cut their hair before their military buzz cut? It’s like testing the water–short hair training wheels). Continue reading

Musical Monday: The Rap Monster Edition

23 Mar

rapmonGAH! Is it just me or has March been a really, really good month for music? I didn’t think I oculd get more excited than with Junsu and MFBTY both having music releases, but with this my mind just goes *POP*.

I love BTS, and within the group my favorite, hands down is Rap Monster. We got a special surprise with him guesting on MFBTY’s new album, but here? It’s pure Rap Monster all by his lonesome.

And he does not disappoint. Continue reading

Fun Friday: Azy Asks, Is This A Kpop Star?

20 Mar

Recently my NYC bestie and fellow blogger, Azy went on a trip to Japan and, as she insisted I would not fit into her suitcase (I even offered to pay the extra baggage fee…come on!), I had to live vicariously through her photos. Luckily she is an amazing photographer so this was an easy feat.

One of the best games Azy found herself playing was….is this a Kpop star? The rules of the game were simple. Azy would send a photo and say: Is this a Kpop star? She had varying degrees of success….

Is this a Kpop star?  Continue reading

Musical Monday: The Anyband Edition

9 Mar


Just in case any of you thought my Junsu obsession was starting to finally drop to manageable levels–oh how wrong you are. How far have I sunk? Oh yeah, I’ve even sought out the project band he was in with BoA and Tablo. Thought Flower was the first time he’d worked together with Tablo? Nope.

Anyband–part project band, part commercial, all what the fudge? Continue reading

Crazy For Kdrama Podcast Episode 20: Roommate, Remakes, and the End of Kdrama?

4 Mar

It’s the twentieth episode! Let’s party like it’s Episode One — you know, except for the fact that we were horribly nervous Episode One and now we are a slick podcast-making machine! Well, maybe not, but we still have fun.

Episode 20: Roommate, Remakes, and the End of Kdrama?

[audio http://traffic.libsyn.com/crazyforkdramapodcast/Roommate_Remakes_and_the_End_of_Kdrama.mp3]

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For this episode, we talk about Junsu (Yes again! What can we say, his MV was released, and it is epic — how could we resist?), we squee about Stephanie’s newfound love of Roommate (well, we both squee, and Cherry rocks the ‘I told you so’), we answer a listener question regarding the sister to the sequel and spin off, the remake, then finally, we discuss the troubling news from the big three kdrama broadcasters and what that means for the future of Kdrama. Continue reading

Musical Monday: The Junsu Edition

2 Mar

junsuOh Junsu, how did you know this Monday was sucking balls? You always know just what to do to make a girl feel better–come out with shmexy new music.

In preparation of Junsu’s new release, I’ve actually been listening to his two past CD’s on repeat for the last two weeks, and I’m happy to say, my appreciation for Incredible has grown. While all of his music isn’t my cup of tea (his’s very musical theater-y for me) I can truly appreciate just how freaking talented he is.

Now onto this. Do I love it? Well, it’s fudging Junsu, I’m predisposed to heart any of his videos, so I’m not sure if I can really give an honest answer. The whole thing, the music and the video are incredibly powerful and you just can’t look away. Perhaps some of that is the “What the?”

I’ll be interested in listening to the non-video version of the song, as with the slow down and stops of the video, it comes off as a little disjointed. But I have a feeling that is for the plot (um, was there a plot?) of the video. One thing I can say besides, Junsu sounds awesome, is that the fact that mother flippin’ Tablo being in the song? My loves of Junsu and Tablo together?

Mind blown. Continue reading

Junsu, Junsu, SQUEEEE, Junsu!

25 Feb

So much for my Junsu obsession dying down any time soon. Just when I thought I could get through the day without the sigh “Junsu….” escaping from my lips, the teaser for his new album, Flower, was released.

Come on Junsu, can’t you give a girl a break? I’ve got stuff to do! I have no time to be mooning over you. Although, I do have to say, what is with all the promo pictures with him and the fake spider? I think it’s supposed to be all sexy, and lord knows I wouldn’t want to touch a real spider, but the fake one makes the whole thing….a little funny. Oh. Unless that’s a real spider pretending to be a fake one. Are fake ones that real? Well, now I’m worried.

I’m crossing my fingers that this release is more like his first release Tarantallegra with it’s big sounds, multiple songs that I could play over and over again, and a MV which can still make me giggle and a little less like his last one Incredible, which, while still…incredible, was a little ballad heavy for me.

And Junsu? In case you were wondering, I was just kidding about that break thing. I would appreciate it if you’d never give us a break.

Musical Monday: The JYJ Edition

16 Feb

Although really? This should be Musical Monday: The HAWT DAMN Edition.

You know, because how else can this be classified any other way? In other news, I’ve managed to fall down the rabbit hole of my Junsu obsession yet again. Not sure if you guys have one of these, but periodically I get so obsesssed with Junsu I just want to look at pictures of him, watch videos of him, and generally think slightly unappropriate thoughts for a while. Then I’ll get ahold of myself and get back to life as usual. Then he’ll set the trap again, and again, I’ll totally fall for it, and we’ll start the vicious circle all over again.

In the midst of this, I was chatting on the phone to Cherry Cordial and she was all “Please tell me you watched a subbed version of Backseat.” Of which I hadn’t. I’m sorry guys, despite my massive Junsu obsesssion, JYJ is just not my cup of tea. She, of course, insisted we put down what we were doing and watch it that very moment.

Oh. My. Freaking. God. Continue reading

Crazy For Kdrama Podcast Episode 18: Kdrama’s Sequels and Spinoffs

4 Feb

Episode 18 is up! Not only is it up, but due to internet issues, we don’t run as long as we usually do — great news for those of you who think we talk to much — and for those of you who like our length — don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll be back to normal next time.

Episode 18: Kdrama’s Sequels and Spinoffs

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