Tag Archives: Orange Marmalade

Crazy For Kdrama Podcast Episode 21: Holy Holograms, Kdrama!

18 Mar

Woot! We thought for sure this episode was going to be a day late because we were really late in recording it. But thanks to the speedup button (yes, I listen to us in chipmunk voices while editing) I was able to get it edited in record time. [Cherry: Go, Stephanie, with your awesome editing skillz!]

Episode 21: Holy Holograms, Kdrama!

[audio http://traffic.libsyn.com/crazyforkdramapodcast/Holy_Holograms_Kdrama.mp3]

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In today’s episode, we talk about changing the way we watch Kdrama and vow to start simulcasting more by looking through a lot of the upcoming dramas, we squeee about random kpop news, and wonder who would pay to watch a hologram GDragon. Meandering, we brush on body size in Korean entertainment and the possible end of our love of Roommate.

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Hesitantly Super Excited

13 Mar

omMore information is out on the upcoming drama, Orange Marmalade (I can’t be the only one out there who keeps trying to call it Orange Caramel) and while I’m not super pleased with the idol-actress heroine (Seolhyun from AOA), I continue to get more and more excited about it. Like really excited. As in, I’m not entirely certain the last time I’ve looked forward to a drama like this. Especially not over a high school drama.

I like the rest of the casting as I do love me some CNBlue boys and a weekly dosage of Jonghyun will do nicely. Why do I not care that he’s an idol actor and Seolhyun is? What can I say? I’m fickle and boy biased like that.

Umm…. that’s a lie. I don’t mind idol actors, but I’d just like them to work up to lead roles. And since the hero on this drama is Yeo Jin Gu one of the most exceptional young actors out there, I worry about her being able to keep up.

Then there’s the other thing. Since writing the last post on this drama, I’ve been reading the webtoon and I like it, I mean I really like it. It’s cute, and fun and the characters are really endearing. Of course I’m only 10 episodes in so that could change (considering they just cast Song Jung Ho from Answer Me 1997 as a character I haven’t even met yet), but for now, despite any casting they go with, I’m totally going to watch this drama. I’m probably may even simulcast it. Yes, me the staunch non-simulcast-er.



And if you want to read the webtoon, you can read it fully subbed here. When you do, let me know what you think! Also–tell me who you think should play the aunt? She is such a cool character and I hope they cast her well.

Pass the Orange Marmalade, Please!

27 Feb

monster boy

This week I was lucky enough to be able to see Yeo Jin Gu in Hwayi: Monster Boy. I’ve known Yeo Jin Gu was an up and coming young actor, I’d even heard he was worthy of the title and not your typical, idol turned wannabe actor. I’d just never had the chance to see him in action before.


I was really blown away by his acting skills! So when word was released that he’d signed onto a lead in an upcoming drama? Woot! Internal happy dance. Don’t get me wrong, for the most part, I don’t have anything against idol actors if they can, you know, act–but isn’t it refreshing when we get someone who is, off the bat, exceptional at his job?  Continue reading