Musical Monday: Brave Guys

10 Dec

brave guysHere’s an interesting Musical Monday. I was first pulled into watching this video when I read an article on enewsworld. “Brave Guys unveiled its first and last album A to Z.”

First and last? Consider my curiosity piqued. Apparently, Brave Guys is a rap group who is made up of a bunch of Korean rappers. Why did they decide to retire at the start of their music career? Well, some rapper made a comment about how comedians should stay out of rap.

Um. Okay.

After that I just had to check out the song. I expected something along the lines of the group that came out with Itaewon Freedom or Skull and HaHa. Funny and cute. To which I was wrong.

Growing Distant is actually a beautiful song. I’m talking really pretty. Hey Guys, and yes, I’m talking to Brave Guys and naysayers, who care where the music comes from if its good?

What do you think?

Results of the contest I ran along with the post on Operation: Winter Break. I couldn’t decide. And heck, it’s Christmas. And it’s a good cause. So, YOU get a Gift Subscription, and YOU get a Gift Subscription, and….

Okay, let’s not go crazy, we’re going to keep it at 2. So congratulations and happy holidays:Cherry Cordial and LaurieADGirl!

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